Source code for tomni.transformers.vgg2json.main

import numpy as np
from typing import List
from ..ellipse2json import ellipse2json
from ..list_of_points2json import list_of_points2json

[docs]def vgg2json(vgg_data: dict) -> List[dict]: """ Transforms data created with 'VGG Image Annotator' into a list of JSON objects. Args: vgg_data (dict): A JSON dictionary created with VGG Image Annotator, which can contain annotations for multiple images. Returns: List[List[dict]]: A list of lists of JSON dictionaries, where each inner list represents annotations for a single image, and each JSON dictionary contains annotation data. """ results = [] for filename in vgg_data.keys(): result = [] for annotation_vgg in vgg_data[filename]["regions"]: json_object = {} vgg_type = annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["name"] if vgg_type == "polygon": x_list, y_list = ( annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["all_points_x"], annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["all_points_y"], ) list_of_points = np.array([x_list, y_list]).transpose() json_object = list_of_points2json(list_of_points) elif vgg_type == "circle": cx, cy = ( annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["cx"], annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["cy"], ) r = annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["r"] json_object = ellipse2json(cx, cy, r) elif vgg_type == "ellipse": cx, cy = ( annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["cx"], annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["cy"], ) rx, ry = ( annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["rx"], annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["ry"], ) alpha = annotation_vgg["shape_attributes"]["theta"] json_object = ellipse2json(cx, cy, rx, ry, alpha) result.append(json_object) results.append(result) return results