Source code for tomni.transformers.labels2listsOfPoints.main

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, find
import numpy_indexed as npi

[docs]def labels2listsOfPoints(labels: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert labeled regions into lists of points. Args: labels (np.ndarray): An array where every pixel is labeled to indicate which object it belongs to. The labels should be non-negative integers. Returns: List[List[Tuple[int, int]]]: A list of lists, where each inner list contains the (x, y) coordinates of points belonging to the corresponding label. The list is organized such that `output[label]` contains the points for the label with value `label`. The label values must start from 0 and be contiguous integers. Raises: ValueError: If the number of labels exceeds the supported limit. Note: - The function automatically determines the appropriate data type for labels based on their maximum value. - It uses sparse matrix operations to efficiently extract points for each label. """ if np.max(labels) < 256: dataType = np.uint8 elif np.max(labels) < 65536: dataType = np.uint16 elif np.max(labels) < 4294967296: dataType = np.uint32 else: raise ValueError("There are to many labels") # Memory check number of labels c = csr_matrix(labels, dtype=dataType) x, y, v = find(c) g = npi.group_by(v) output = g.split_array_as_list(np.array([y, x]).transpose()) return output