Source code for tomni.transformers.json2labels.main

import cv2
import numpy as np
from typing import List

[docs]def json2labels(json_list: List[dict], output_dim: tuple) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert a list of JSON objects representing objects to a labeled segmentation map. Args: json_list (list of dict): A list of objects in JSON format, each describing an object to be labeled. output_dim (tuple of int): The dimensions of the output image in image coordinates, specified as (width, height). Returns: np.ndarray: A segmentation map where each object has a unique label. Raises: ValueError: If an unsupported object type is encountered in the JSON list. """ seg_map = np.zeros((output_dim[1], output_dim[0]), dtype=np.uint8) for i, obj in enumerate(json_list): if obj["type"] == "ellipse": cv2.ellipse( seg_map, (obj["center"]["x"], obj["center"]["y"]), (obj["radiusX"], obj["radiusY"]), obj["angleOfRotation"], 0, 360, color=i + 1, thickness=-1, ) elif obj["type"] == "polygon": points = np.empty((len(obj["points"]), 2)) for j in range(len(obj["points"])): points[j,] = [obj["points"][j]["x"], obj["points"][j]["y"]] cv2.fillConvexPoly(seg_map, np.int32([points]), i + 1) else: raise ValueError("Object type not supported") return seg_map