Source code for tomni.transformers.json2dict.main

from typing import List

[docs]def json2dict( json_list: List[dict], keywords: list = ["type", "area", "center", "id"] ) -> dict: """ Transform a list of JSON objects in standard AxionBio format into a dictionary using a list of specified keywords. The resulting dictionary contains lists of values extracted from the JSON objects for each keyword, as well as an "index" list with object indexes. Args: json_list (List[dict]): A list of JSON objects in standard AxionBio format. keywords (List[str], optional): A list of keywords to extract from the JSON objects. Defaults to ["type", "area", "center", "id"]. Returns: Dict[str, list]: A dictionary containing lists of values for each keyword extracted from the JSON objects, including an "index" list with object indexes. """ keywords.append("index") json_dict = {} for key in keywords: json_dict[key] = [] for i, json_object in enumerate(json_list): for key in keywords: if key == "index": json_dict[key].append(i) elif key not in json_object.keys() and key != "index": json_dict[key].append(None) else: if isinstance(json_object[key], dict): variable = [json_object[key][x] for x in json_object[key].keys()] else: variable = json_object[key] json_dict[key].append(variable) return json_dict