Source code for tomni.transformers.json2contours.main

import numpy as np

[docs]def json2contours(json: dict) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert a JSON object in a default AxionBio format to a contour represented as a NumPy array. Args: json (dict): A JSON object containing 'points' in the form of a list of dictionaries with keys 'x' and 'y', and 'type' set to 'polygon'. Returns: np.ndarray: A contour represented as a NumPy array. Raises: ValueError: If the 'type' in the JSON object is not 'polygon' or missing. """ if json.get("type", "").lower() == "polygon": result = [[[i["x"], i["y"]]] for i in json["points"]] else: raise ValueError( f"The type {json.get('type', 'NO TYPE GIVEN')} is not supported" ) return np.array(result, dtype=np.int32)